dog adoption.

If you’ve adopted a shelter dog before, you might recall that bringing them home for the first time left an indelible impression. The following days and weeks likely unfolded in a happy haze of new smells, experiences, and connections that helped them navigate their new life. The special joy associated with an auspicious adoption typically gives way to the long-term satisfaction that is responsible dog ownership. Dog adoption is one of the most worthwhile adventures in life. 

October is Adopt a Dog month. With millions of dogs waiting in shelters for their forever homes, could the timing be right to bring one home?

Gauging Dog Readiness

Many people find themselves in the predicament of owning a dog they weren’t truly prepared for. This happens after impulsive adoptions, surely, but can also occur when an owner chooses a breed that doesn’t fit well with their living situation or lifestyle. For example, working breeds depend on vigorous exercise throughout the day and enjoy having “jobs.” Keeping a heeler inside a small apartment on a high floor may not yield good results for an owner’s belongings, and negatively impacts the dog’s health and happiness.

The Perfect Dog

All dogs are lovable and deserving of forever homes. However, not all situations are suitable for their growth and development. In order to truly help a dog thrive at home, all of their needs must be met every day. Online quizzes can help prospective dog owners align their hopes or expectations with a breed that matches or complements their home and lifestyle. 

Adopting a Shelter Dog

We encourage all potential dog owners to consider what size dog they can realistically care for. Also, when you think about the demands of puppies and younger dogs, it may be wise to only look for adult or senior dogs. It is also essential to think about roommates or family members that could be allergic. Likewise, any resident pets may be amenable to a new friend, or they could oppose your decision to adopt another pet. 

Benefits of Fostering

Fostering provides potential dog owners with a first-hand experience of ownership, with the option to adopt if all goes well. This educational opportunity not only helps the individual or family learn about the tenets of responsible dog ownership, but gives the dog a much-needed break from the stressful environment at the shelter. Even if there are compatibility issues between a family and a foster dog, it’s a worthwhile opportunity to learn exactly what goes into dog adoption and ownership.

Adopt a Dog Month

There are so many wonderful reasons to adopt a shelter dog this October. Not only will you save a life (and make room for another adoptable dog at the shelter), adopting a dog has the potential to change your life as well. The many ways that dogs inspire us and enhance our well-being are well known, but when you experience their impact first hand, your life will be forever changed. 

If you have any questions about adoption, selecting the right dog, or fostering, please call us at (480) 787‑0544. Our team is always happy to help at Curem Veterinary Care