The Importance of Wellness Checks For Canines

curious puppy.

It might seem counterintuitive to have your dog examined when they appear perfectly healthy, but regular appointments are crucial to their overall care. Assessing the appearance and behavior of a healthy pet provides a fuller understanding of, and appreciation of, their vitality. As they age, dogs change in very gradual and subtle ways. Our wellness checks for canines can reveal areas that need help, detect problems before they worsen, and support lifelong health and happiness. 


Essential Pet First-Aid Tips and Techniques

Pet first aid kit.

Even the most involved, vigilant, and responsible pet owners cannot control every possible circumstance related to a pet’s health and safety. The fact is that despite best intentions, pet emergencies simply come with the territory. The good news is that not all scenarios are perilous; however, the more prepared an owner is to handle essential pet first-aid techniques, the better the outcome. 


Opening Your Heart and Home: Celebrating Adopt a Dog Month and the Joy of Dog Adoption

dog adoption.

If you’ve adopted a shelter dog before, you might recall that bringing them home for the first time left an indelible impression. The following days and weeks likely unfolded in a happy haze of new smells, experiences, and connections that helped them navigate their new life. The special joy associated with an auspicious adoption typically gives way to the long-term satisfaction that is responsible dog ownership. Dog adoption is one of the most worthwhile adventures in life. 

October is Adopt a Dog month. With millions of dogs waiting in shelters for their forever homes, could the timing be right to bring one home?


Pet Paraphimosis and Other Animal Reproductive Health Issues

pet paraphimosis.

Animal reproductive health is important, and understanding all your pet’s parts is an important component of good animal care. Curem Veterinary Care knows how serious paraphimosis in pets can be, and we want you to understand what it is to get it properly treated. 


Understanding Canine Hip Dysplasia 

canine with hip dysplasia.

Hip dysplasia in dogs is a common canine affliction, but one not a lot of pet owners truly understand. Thankfully, though, with an expert resource like Curem Veterinary Care at your disposal, you don’t have to understand it on your own.


The Best Pet-Friendly Hikes in Mesa, Arizona

Hiking with pets.

We’re lucky enough to live in a desert playscape here in Mesa, Arizona, which means there are plenty of outdoor activities to do with our pets. If you’re looking for a new pet-friendly hike to try, the team at Curem Veterinary Care rounded up our 5 favorite dog-friendly trails to explore. 


Is it Better to Buy or Adopt a Pet?

A woman holds her adopted puppy.

Congratulations on your decision to welcome a new pet into your home! If you’re still on the fence about whether to buy from a breeder or adopt from a shelter, you’ve come to the right place. The benefits of adopting a pet are many, and our team at Curem Veterinary Care encourages you to consider the following reasons to choose adoption:  
